لطفا زبان مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نمایید


برای استعلام قیمت،محصول مورد نظر خود را انتخاب نمایید

پارت نامبر دسته بندی نام محصول
SAG-4-2G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 1/4in x 1/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-4-4G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 1/4in x 1/4in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-6-6G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 3/8in x 3/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-8-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 1/2in x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-6M-2G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 6mm x 1/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-6M-4G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 6mm x 1/4in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-6M-6G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 6mm x 3/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-6M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 6mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-8M-4G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 8mm x 1/4in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-8M-6G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 8mm x 3/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-8M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 8mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-10M-4G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 10mm x 1/4in Female ISO Paralle
SAG-10M-6G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 10mm x 3/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-10M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 10mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-12M-4G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 12mm x 1/4in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-12M-6G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 12mm x 3/8in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-12M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 12mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-15M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 15mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-16M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 16mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-18M-8G-S6 SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 18mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-22M-8G SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 22mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel
SAG-25M-8G SAG S-LOK Tube Fitting, Gauge Adapter for Metal Gasket, Tube O.D 25mm x 1/2in Female ISO Parallel

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